Monday to Thursday: 19:00 - 21:00

Yin Chen

Yin Chen

Yin is currently working for Mallinckrodt Pharmaceutical supporting successful FDA approvals of newly developed drugs applying her expertise in biostatistics and clinical trials. Yin’s interest in dancing, esp. Chinese folk dancing, traces a long and wind path back to the early years when the St. Louis Modern Chinese School was in its infancy. Thereafter, such an interest only continues to grow stronger; in 2013, she joined in several others who then share the same passion in dancing, and probably more fundamentally, who formed the first batch of the WeiDance fellow student members. In face of divided opinions in defining success itself, Yin believes that harvest travels along with hard work – and in terms of dancing, WeiDance indeed effectively helps shorten the otherwise infinite distance between the two elements in a professional way. Every time when Yin went through a WeiDance training session, she always found in herself significant improvements in dancing techniques, enrichments in after-work activities, and more importantly enormous fun experiences with her fellow dancer friends!

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